Source code for chainerui.extensions.commands_extension

import os
import shutil

from chainer.serializers import npz
from import extension
from import trigger as trigger_module
from import IntervalTrigger
import six

from chainerui.utils.command_item import CommandItem
from chainerui.utils.commands_state import CommandsState
from chainerui.utils.tempdir import tempdir

def take_snapshot(trainer, body):
    filename = 'snapshot_iter_{.updater.iteration}'.format(trainer)
    out_path = trainer.out
    # same with SimpleWriter, supported from Chainer v6
    with tempdir(prefix='snapshot', dir=out_path) as tempd:
        path = os.path.join(tempd, filename)
        npz.save_npz(path, trainer)
        shutil.move(path, os.path.join(out_path, filename))

def adjust_hyperparams(trainer, body):
    optimizer = trainer.updater.get_optimizer('main')
    optimizer_name = optimizer.__class__.__name__
    if optimizer_name != body.get('optimizer', None):
        # invalid optimizer was specified
        return None

    hyperparam = getattr(optimizer, 'hyperparam', None)
    if hyperparam is None:
        return None

    request_hyperparam = body.get('hyperparam', {})
    hyperparam_dict = hyperparam.get_dict()
    for key, value in six.iteritems(request_hyperparam):
        if (key not in hyperparam_dict) or (value is None):
            continue  # pragma: no cover
        setattr(hyperparam, key, value)
    return {
        'optimizer': optimizer_name,
        'hyperparam': hyperparam.get_dict()

# NOTE: Chainer has a plan to add that trigger can detect training
#       length (PR#4079). After merge it, the below two trigger class
#       can be merge to one trigger class.

class _CommandIntervalTrigger(IntervalTrigger):

    def __init__(self, trigger):
        super(_CommandIntervalTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_trigger', trigger)
        super(_CommandIntervalTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_loop_stop', False)

    def __call__(self, trainer):
        if self._trigger(trainer):
            return True
        return self._loop_stop

    def stop(self):
        super(_CommandIntervalTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_loop_stop', True)

    def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
        return getattr(self._trigger, attr_name)

    def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
        setattr(self._trigger, attr_name, value)

class _CommandTrigger(object):

    def __init__(self, trigger):
        super(_CommandTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_trigger', trigger)
        super(_CommandTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_loop_stop', False)

    def __call__(self, trainer):
        if self._trigger(trainer):
            return True
        return self._loop_stop

    def stop(self):
        super(_CommandTrigger, self).__setattr__(
            '_loop_stop', True)

    def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
        return getattr(self._trigger, attr_name)

    def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
        setattr(self._trigger, attr_name, value)

def _stop_training(trainer, body):
    assert isinstance(trainer.stop_trigger, _CommandTrigger) or \
        isinstance(trainer.stop_trigger, _CommandIntervalTrigger)
    return None

[docs]class CommandsExtension(extension.Extension): """Trainer extension to enable command operation by output file This extension monitors a file for command created on `trainer.out` path, and execute each command when append the file. """ priority = extension.PRIORITY_READER default_receivers = { 'take_snapshot': take_snapshot, 'adjust_hyperparams': adjust_hyperparams, 'stop': _stop_training, } def __init__(self, trigger=(1, 'iteration'), receivers={}, file_name='commands'): self._trigger = trigger_module.get_trigger(trigger) self._file_name = file_name self._receivers = self.default_receivers.copy() self._receivers.update(receivers) self._out = '' def initialize(self, trainer): self._out = trainer.out CommandItem.remove_commands_file(trainer.out) if isinstance(trainer.stop_trigger, IntervalTrigger): trainer.stop_trigger = _CommandIntervalTrigger( trainer.stop_trigger) else: trainer.stop_trigger = _CommandTrigger(trainer.stop_trigger) def __call__(self, trainer): if not self._trigger(trainer): return commands = CommandItem.load_commands(trainer.out) is_updated = False for command in commands: if not command.should_execute(trainer): continue body, status = self._execute_command( trainer,, command.request) command.set_response(trainer, status, body) is_updated = True if is_updated: CommandItem.dump_commands(commands, trainer.out) def finalize(self): if self._out != '': CommandsState.stop(self._out) def add_receiver(self, command_name, function): if command_name is None: raise ValueError('command name is not given') if not callable(function): raise ValueError('receiver is not callable') self._receivers[command_name] = function def _execute_command(self, trainer, command_name, request): receiver = self._receivers.get(command_name, None) if receiver is None: message = '%s command is not available or supported' % command_name response_body = {'message': message} response_status = CommandItem.RESPONSE_FAILURE else: try: response_body = receiver(trainer, request.get('body', None)) response_status = CommandItem.RESPONSE_SUCCESS except Exception as e: print('caught an exception from receiver:', e.args) response_body = None response_status = CommandItem.RESPONSE_FAILURE return response_body, response_status