Source code for chainerui.utils.save_args

import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil

from chainerui.utils.tempdir import tempdir

def convert_dict(conditions):
    if isinstance(conditions, argparse.Namespace):
        return vars(conditions)
    return conditions

[docs]def save_args(conditions, out_path): """A util function to save experiment condition for job table. Args: conditions (:class:`argparse.Namespace` or dict): Experiment conditions to show on a job table. Keys are show as table header and values are show at a job row. out_path (str): Output directory name to save conditions. """ args = convert_dict(conditions) try: os.makedirs(out_path) except OSError: pass with tempdir(prefix='args', dir=out_path) as tempd: path = os.path.join(tempd, 'args.json') with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(args, f, indent=4) new_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'args') shutil.move(path, new_path)